Begin 3 Title: tkmusinum Version: 1.0 Entered-date: 22 October 1999 Description: A musical explorer of the inherent beautiful patterns within number systems. Tk GUI interface; useful as a fun toy to explore "mathematical music" and as a compositional tool. Based on the "Musinum" program for Windows by Lars Kindermann. Keywords: chaos,midi,tk,music,math Author: (Aaron Johnson) Maintained-by: (Aaron Johnson) Primary-site: 68909 tkmusinum-1.0.tar.gz 800 tkmusinum.lsm Alternate-site: Platforms: Linux w/Intel Pentium or ix86, OSS/Free sound driver, external midi port, SWIG-1.1p5, and Tcl/Tk 7.6 or greater. Copying Policy: GPL End