Begin3 Title: SPO256-AL2 Text-to-Speech Services Version: 1.0 Entered-date: March 23, 1997 Description: This package comprises a network TCP text-to-speech server designed for the SPO256-AL2 text-to-speech board, as described in the January '97 issue of the Linux Journal. This server is now implemented as a generic rc.d startable "service" with standardized (server independent) utilities, and may be used to develop other network-wide text-to-speech services for different hardware. This release adds new functionality to both the server and vmon utilities. Keywords: talk, cti, tsw, tycho, lj, spo256, vocoder Author: (David Sugar) Maintained-by: (David Sugar) Primary-site: /dist 58 kb speak-0.3.tar.gz 1 kb speak.lsm Alternate-site: no idea where Original-site: Platform: Should be portable to virtually any UNIX system. Copying-policy: Free, public, terms similar to BSD on redistribution. End