LF tip: �� KDE ��� kprinter һ��ʹ�� Adobe Acrobat Reader 7
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original in en Gerrit Renker
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�� Gerrit �Ӵ� C �� Linux �����ſ�ʼϲ����ʹ�õ��ԡ�
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����һ��С���ɣ������ڿ�ʼ��LinuxFocusÿ�¶��������ṩһ�������ļ��ɡ� ��������й���ЩС���ɵ����뷨���뷢�ʼ�����guido(at)linuxfocus.org��
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Acrobat 7 ������������ Linux ������ˣ����Ǹ��ܺõ� PDF �Ķ�����
���ҵ��ǣ���ӡ�ĵ�ʱ������ KDE ϵͳ����kprinter ��������ӡ�����ͽ�����ļ���ɾ���ˡ�
дһ���ű�����������һ����ʱ�ļ���postscript ���������Ȼ����ɴ�ӡ����ɾ����
# save this as /usr/local/bin/printerScript
# and make it executable with: chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/printerScript
## create temporary file
[ -f "$tmp" ] && exit 1
## save the file to a new name which will not be deleted by acroread.
## the first argument is the file name of the postscript file
cp "$1" $tmp
## start the KDE printer frontend on this file
kprinter $tmp
## clean up afterwards
rm -f $tmp
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